Dossier 10: Argentina Goes Back to the IMF
November 13, 2018
For six months, Argentina has been confronted with a new economic and social crisis on a massive scale. In the context the devaluation of local currency, rising inflation, and a deep recession, Mauricio Macri’s administration struck an agreement with the IMF, marking a major shift in the country’s future. The agreements slash public spending and prioritize the repayment of debt, among other measures. This dossier examines the different dimensions of the crisis, the open disputes, and the possibilities for the immediate future.
December 17, 2024
August 13, 2024
- Clean Waters and Green Mountains Are as Valuable as Gold and Silver Mountains: The Seventh Newsletter (2025)
- Let Us Find Our Lost Diamonds: The Sixth Newsletter (2025)
- The Life Expectancy of Palestinians Fell by 11.5 Years in the First Three Months of the Genocide: The Fifth Newsletter (2025)
- The Promethean Aspirations of the Darker Nations: The Fourth Newsletter (2025)
- All Wars End in Negotiations. So Will the War in Ukraine: The Third Newsletter (2025)
- Dr Victor Frankenstein Disavows His Monster: The Second Newsletter (2025)
- The Tears of Our Children: The First Newsletter (2025)
- Resist, My People, Resist: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2024)
- How to Understand the Change of Government in Syria: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2024)
- The Eighth Continent Is the Continent of Sleaze: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2024)
- France Must Go from Africa Is the Slogan of the Hour: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2024)
- The United States Raises a Middle Finger to the International Criminal Court: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2024)
- Give Us Peace on Earth: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2024)
- Swimming in Mud in the Fifth Circle of Hell: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2024)
- We Don’t Want Our Islands to Be Used to Kill People: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
- A World Where Our Grandchildren Have to Go to a Museum to See What a Gun Looked Like: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2024)
- Our Revolutions Are for the Survival and Development of Human Civilisation: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2024)
- How to Do a Conjunctural Analysis: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2024)
- They Now Know What Real Bombing Means: The Forty-First Newsletter (2024)
- A Walk Along the Baiyangdian Lake in the Xiong’an New Area: The Fortieth Newsletter (2024)
- When You Suffer for Your Sanity and Struggle to Get Free: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2024)
- There Is Only One Night Left to Build Fortifications: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2024)
- The Revolutionary Fire in the People Starts with a Song: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2024)
- Three New Kinds of Refugees in a World of Migrants: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2024)
- She Was Brutally Killed Before She Could Write Her Story for the World: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
- The Weakness of Progressive Latin American Governments in These Precarious Times: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2024)
- Ten Theses on the Far Right of a Special Type: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2024)
- Venezuela Is a Marvellous Country in Motion: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2024)
- Even in Palestine, the Birds Shall Return: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2024)
- The Country of the Rust Belt and the Broken Road: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2024)
- The Pacific Lands and Seas Are Neither Forbidden nor Forgotten: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2024)
- Building a Planet of Peace Is the Only Realistic Thing to Do: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2024)
- The War in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Will End: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2024)
- There Is No Such Thing as a Small Nuclear War: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2024)
- Is the Reign of the Dollar Coming to an End?: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
- Democracy Will Not Come through Compromise and Fear: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2024)
- Their Rules-Based International Order Is the Rule of the Mafia: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2024)
- Brazil’s Flood of Austerity and Climate Catastrophe: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2024)
- Keep On Rockin’ in the Free World: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2024)
- My Heart Makes My Head Swim: The Twentieth Newsletter (2024)
- In Africa They Say, ‘France, Get Out!’: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2024)
- The Students Will Not Tolerate Hypocrisy: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2024)
- How Africa’s National Liberation Struggles Brought Democracy to Europe: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2024)
- For Forty Years, Brazil’s Landless Workers Have Fought to Build Humanity: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2024)
- The Premises of the Diplomatic Mission Shall Be Inviolable: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2024)
- Thousands Have Lived without Love, but Not One without Water: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2024)
- Palestinians Will Remain on Palestinian Land: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2024)
- The Struggle for Women’s Emancipation Will Always Be Worth It: The Twelfth Newsletter (2024)
- Conquest, War, Famine, and Death Hit You Straight in the Heart: The Eleventh Newsletter (2024)
- There Will Be Reading and Singing and Dancing Even in the Darkest Times: The Tenth Newsletter (2024)
- The Nobodies Are Worth More Than the Bullet That Kills Them: The Ninth Newsletter (2024)
- If I Understand the World, I Can March to Change It: The Eighth Newsletter (2024)
- A Word like Peace Is Faster Than the Bullet of War: The Seventh Newsletter (2024)
- Dawn Is Breaking Out All Over, and the World Is Waking Up: The Sixth Newsletter (2024)
- The Only Right That Palestinians Have Not Been Denied Is the Right to Dream: The Fifth Newsletter (2024)
- We Know a Different World Will Be Born Out of This Mess: The Fourth Newsletter (2024)
- The Global South Takes Israel to Court: The Third Newsletter (2024)
- Why I Believe What I Believe About the Chinese Revolution: The Second Newsletter (2024)
- We Need to Reverse the Culture of Decay and March on the Street for a Culture of Humanity: The First Newsletter (2024)
- The World’s Economic Centre of Gravity Is Returning to Asia: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2023)
- Transnational Corporations Provoke a Single Scream of Horror that Runs through the Vertebrae of the World: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2023)
- We Fight with Our Eyes. We Plant Seeds with Our Hands. We Will Watch the Wheat Fill the Valley: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2023)
- Your Enemies Destroyed One Palestine; My Wounds Populated Many Palestines: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
- The Dangerously Appealing Style of the Far Right: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2023)
- A New Mood in the World Will Put an End to the Global Monroe Doctrine: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2023)
- The Intimate Embrace Between Liberalism and the Far Right: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)
- From Gaza and Cuba, They Ask – Are You Human Like Us?: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2023)
- War Looks Just as War Looks: Dismal and Ugly: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2023)
- How the International Monetary Fund Continues to Shrink the Poorer Nations: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2023)
- The Palestinian People Are Already Free: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2023)
- A Reading List for the Delhi Police from Tricontinental Research Services: The Forty-First Newsletter (2023)
- We Have Here, in Africa, Everything Necessary to Become a Powerful, Modern, and Industrialised Continent: The Fortieth Newsletter (2023)
- Shouldn’t the United Kingdom and France Relinquish Their Permanent Seats at the United Nations?: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
- NATO Destroyed Libya in 2011; Storm Daniel Came to Sweep Up the Remains: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter
- Beneath the Polycrisis Is the Singular Dilemma of Humanity Called Capitalism: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2023)
- What if There Had Been No Coup in Chile in 1973?: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)
- On 1 January 2024, the World’s Centre of Gravity Will Shift: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2023)
- The People of Niger Want to Shatter Resignation: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2023)
- The BRICS Have Changed the Balance of Forces, but They Will Not by Themselves Change the World: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2023)
- Can Poorer Nations Break the Cycle of Dependency That Has Inflicted Grief for a Hundred Years? The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2023)
- There Are Enough Resources in the World to Fulfil Human Needs, But Not Enough Resources to Satisfy Capitalist Greed: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2023)
- Build the Unity of the Youth of the World: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2023)
- If Everybody’s Going to Join NATO, Then Why Have the United Nations? The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
- The World Needs a New Development Theory That Does Not Trap the Poor in Poverty: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2023)
- The Rice Bowl of the Chinese People Is Held Firmly in Their Hands: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2023)
- Israel Cannot Rebut Apartheid: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)
- Can the European Leg of the Triad Break Free from the Atlantic Alliance?: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2023)
- The Emergence of a New Non-Alignment: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter
- For Argentina’s Small Farmers, the Land Is Predictable but the Markets Are Not: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2023)
- Resurrecting the Concept of the Triad: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2023)
- The Group of Seven Should Finally Be Shut Down: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2023)
- Can the Global South Build a New World Information and Communication Order?: The Twentieth Newsletter (2023)
- The Work That Tricontinental Does: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2023)
- In the Factories There Is Wealth, but There Is No Life: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2023)
- You Are Reading This Thanks to Semiconductors: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2023)
- The Death of over a Thousand Garment Workers in Bangladesh: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2023)
- So Much Lying from the International Monetary Fund: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2023)
- Women Hold Up 76.2% of the Sky: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2023)
- China’s Historical Destiny Is to Stand with the Third World: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2023)
- You Strike the Women, You Strike the Rock, You Will Be Crushed: The Twelfth Newsletter (2023)
- Birth Again the Dream of Global Peace and Mutual Respect: The Eleventh Newsletter (2023)
- Eight Contradictions of the Imperialist ‘Rules-Based Order’: The Tenth Newsletter (2023)
- Those Who Die for Life – like Hugo Chávez – Cannot Be Called Dead: The Ninth Newsletter (2023)
- The True Test of a Civilisation Is the Absence of Anxiety About Health: The Eighth Newsletter (2023)
- Rescue Collective Life by Reading a Red Book: The Seventh Newsletter (2023)
- The United States Wants to Make Taiwan the Ukraine of the East: The Sixth Newsletter (2023)
- Writing About a Joy That Invades Jenin: The Fifth Newsletter (2023)
- It Was the Workers Who Brought Us Democracy, and It Will Be the Workers Who Establish a Deeper Democracy Yet: The Fourth Newsletter (2023)
- When the People Have Nothing More to Eat, They Will Eat the Rich: The Third Newsletter (2023)
- The Winds of the New Cold War Are Howling in the Arctic Circle: The Second Newsletter (2023)
- Socialism Is Not a Utopian Ideal, but an Achievable Necessity: The First Newsletter (2023)
- The Hope of a Pan-African-Owned and Controlled Electric Car Project Is Buried for Generations to Come: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2022)
- The Perils of Pious Neoliberalism in the Austerity State: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2022)
- The Road to De-Dollarisation Will Run through Saudi Arabia: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2022)
- Nothing Good Will Come from the New Cold War with Australia as a Frontline State: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- Mali’s Break with France Is a Symptom of Cracks in the Transatlantic Alliance: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2022)
- In Malay, Orangutans Means ‘People of the Forest’, but Those Forests Are Disappearing: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2022)
- Those Who Struggle to Change the World Know It Well: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2022)
- The Attack on Nature Is Putting Humanity at Risk: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2022)
- Africa Does Not Want to Be a Breeding Ground for the New Cold War: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2022)
- We Need a New Trade Union of the Poor Rooted in the Global South: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2022)
- The Last Thing Haiti Needs Is Another Military Intervention: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2022)
- When Will the Stars Shine Again in Burkina Faso?: The Forty-First Newsletter (2022)
- The Most Dangerous Situation That Humanity Has Ever Faced: The Fortieth Newsletter (2022)
- From Wounded Latin America, a Demand Comes to Put an End to the Irrational War on Drugs: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- Without Culture, Freedom Is Impossible: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2022)
- War Is Not the Answer to Deep Planetary Insecurity: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2022)
- We Will March, Even If We Have to Wade through the Pakistani Floodwaters: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2022)
- Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe; Socialism Can Avert Disaster. The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2022)
- Indian Workers Defend Their Steel with Their Lives: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2022)
- When People Want Housing in India, They Build It: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2022)
- Can We Please Have an Adult Conversation about China?: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2022)
- Sri Lankans Seek a World in Which They Can Find Laughter Together: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2022)
- All That I Ask Is That You Fight for Peace Today: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2022)
- It Is Dark, but I Sing Because the Morning Will Come: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- Will Our Children Be Literate? Will They Look Forward to the Future with Dignity?: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2022).
- The United States Wants to Prevent a Historical Fact – Eurasian Integration: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2022)
- There are Hungry People. There are Hungry People: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2022)
- We Need to Build the Architecture of Our Future: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2022)
- The Lethality of Washington’s Global Monroe Doctrine: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2022)
- Land in South Africa Shall Be Shared Among Those Who Work It: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2022)
- Africa, the Collateral Victim of a Distant Conflict: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2022)
- And Then There Was No More Empire All of a Sudden: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2022)
- Art Is a Dream in Which We Imagine Our Future: The Twentieth Newsletter (2022)
- In a World of Great Disorder and Extravagant Lies, We Look for Compassion: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2022)
- With Clenched Fists, They Spend Money on Weapons as the Planet Burns: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2022)
- I Cannot Live on Tomorrow’s Bread: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2022)
- These Dark Times Are Also Filled with Light: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2022)
- We Do Not Want a Divided Planet; We Want a World Without Walls: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2022)
- This Is Not the Age of Certainty. We Are in the Time of Contradictions: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2022)
- History Rounds off Skeletons to Zero: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2022)
- In the World, There Are Many Traps, and It Is Necessary to Shatter Them: The Twelfth Newsletter (2022)
- We Are in a Period of Great Tectonic Shifts: The Eleventh Newsletter (2022)
- You Are Also a Victim of War like Us: The Tenth Newsletter (2022)
- In These Days of Great Tension, Peace Is a Priority: The Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- In These Days of Great Tension, Peace Is a Priority: The Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- Those Who Violated the Geneva Conventions at Guantánamo Are Free, While the Man who Helped Expose Their Crimes Languishes in Prison: The Eighth Newsletter (2022)
- What Red Book Will You Read This Year on Red Books Day (21 February)?: The Seventh Newsletter (2022)
- The Left Has Culture, but the World Still Belongs to the Banks: The Sixth Newsletter (2022)
- Make Noise about the Silent Crisis of Global Illiteracy: The Fifth Newsletter (2022)
- Make the Whole World Know that the South Also Exists: The Fourth Newsletter (2022)
- We Are Human, but in the Dark We Wish for Light: The Third Newsletter (2022)
- A Programme for a Future Society That We Will Build in the Present: The Second Newsletter (2022)
- The Highest Attainable Standard of Health Is a Fundamental Right of Every Human Being: The First Newsletter (2022)
- We Dance into the New Year Banging Our Hammers and Swinging Our Sickles: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2021)
- I Want to Get Our Rights from the Americans Who Harmed Us: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2021)
- They Won’t Ever Find Us Because Our Love Is Bound to the Rocks: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2021)
- The Fierce Determination of Ordinary People to Build an Extraordinary World: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2021)
- We Have to Stand on Our Ground, the Best Ground from Which to Reach the Stars: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2021)
- This Victory Gives Confidence for Future Struggles: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2021)
- In the Name of Saving the Climate, They Will Uberise the Farmlands: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2021)
- Why Are You Asking Us to Compromise on Our Lives?: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2021)
- Will the People with Guns Allow Our Planet to Breathe: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2021)
- Being a Child in Yemen Is the Stuff of Nightmares: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2021)
- If All Refugees Lived in One Place, It Would Be the 17th Most Populous Country in the World: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2021)
- Women Hold Up More Than Half the Sky: The Forty-First Newsletter (2021)
- A World Without Hunger: The Fortieth Newsletter (2021)
- If the United Nations Charter Was Put To a Vote Today, Would It Pass?: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2021)
- Where Flowers Find No Peace Enough to Grow: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2021)
- The Sound of His Approaching Step Wakes Me and I See My Land’s Deprivation: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2021)
- Solely Because of the Increasing Disorder: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2021)
- Africa’s Uprising is Frozen, Its Cry Swollen with Hope: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2021)
- I Awakened Here When the Earth Was New: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2021)
- Create Two, Three, Many Saigons. That Is the Watchword: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2021)
- Show the Children the Green Fields and Let the Sunshine into Their Minds: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2021)
- China Eradicates Absolute Poverty While Billionaires Go for a Joyride to Space: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2021)
- The Great Contest of Our Time Is between Humanity and Imperialism: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2021)
- Washington Beats the Drum of Regime Change, but Cuba Responds to Its Own Revolutionary Rhythm: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2021)
- A Senseless Cathedral of Doom: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2021)
- Women Everywhere in the World Are Squeezed into a Tight Corner: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2021)
- Cuba’s Vaccine Shield and the Five Monopolies that Structure the World: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2021)
- The Spirit of Carabobo Will Overcome the Stench of Monroe: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2021)
- The Kisan [Farmers’] Commune in India: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2021)
- Every Region of the World Is the Worst Affected: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2021).
- We Hug the Trees Because the Trees Have No Voice: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2021).
- Lenin Went to Dance in the Snow to Celebrate the Paris Commune and the Soviet Republic: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2021)
- Sleep Now in the Fire: The Twentieth Newsletter (2021)
- If I Fall in the Struggle, Take My Place: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2021)
- In Kerala, the Present Is Dominated by the Future: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2021)
- I’m Still Here, Though My Country’s Gone West: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2021)
- A Bit of Hope That Doesn’t Come from Miami: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2021)
- I Entered My Country’s House of Justice and Found a Snake Charmer’s Temple: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2021)
- Zambia Is the Tip of the Tail of the Global Dog: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2021)
- The Vaccine Must Be a Common Good for Humanity: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2021)
- What You Call Love Is Unpaid Work: The Twelfth Newsletter (2021)
- There Are So Many Lessons to Learn from Kerala: The Eleventh Newsletter (2021).
- Neoliberalism Was Born in Chile; Neoliberalism Will Die in Chile: the Tenth Newsletter (2021)
- The Right to Live in Peace: The Ninth Newsletter (2021)
- Your Privileges Are Not Universal: The Eighth Newsletter (2021)
- Sometimes Marx’s Capital Is a Pillow, Sometimes It Obliges Us to Deepen Our Struggles: The Seventh Newsletter (2021)
- The Three Apartheids of Our Times (Money, Medicine, Food): The Sixth Newsletter (2021).
- Are We Not All in Search of Tomorrow: The Fifth Newsletter (2021)
- We Should All Be Outraged, But Outrage Is Not a Strong Enough Word: The Fourth Newsletter (2021)
- My Wish Is That You Win This Fight for Truth: The Third Newsletter (2021)
- The Country Where Liberty Is a Statue: The Second Newsletter (2021)
- We Are Living in an Emergency That Requires Urgent Action (a note written with Noam Chomsky): The First Newsletter (2021)
- The Future Will Only Contain What We Put into It Now: The Fifty-Third Newsletter (2020)
- All the Cannons Will Silently Rust: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2020)
- The Revolutionaries, When They Rise, Care for Nothing but Love: Newsletter Fifty-One (2020)
- We Don’t Listen to the Dying Government of Donald Trump: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2020)
- We Are Grass. We Grow on Everything: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2020).
- We Suffer from an Incurable Disease Called Hope: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2020).
- It Is Freedom, Only Freedom Which Can Quench Our Thirst: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2020).
- Take a Deep Breath and Then Return to the Work of Building a New World: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2020).
- Wage War Against the Philosophy of War: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2020)
- We Are That History That Is Discredited, but Which Reappears When You Least Expect It: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2020)
- Paradise for Human Victims of Corporate Persons: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2020).
- Bullets Are Not the Seeds of Life: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2020)
- When Confronted by Us Hungry Bellies, the Imperialists Reach for Their Guns: The Forty-First Newsletter (2020).
- If I Didn’t Believe, I Wouldn’t Know How to Breathe: The Fortieth Newsletter (2020).
- Hunger Will Kill Us Before Coronavirus: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2020).
- Wise People Know That Winning a War Is No Better Than Losing One: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2020)
- Not Just an Orchard, Not Merely a Field, We Demand the Whole World: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2020).
- Six Complexities of These Pandemic Times: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2020).
- Only the Struggle of the People Will Free the Country: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2020).
- Tell the People That the Struggle Must Go On: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2020).
- It Is Late, but It Is Early Morning If We Insist a Little: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2020)
- Do Not Reach for the Sky Just to Surrender: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2020).
- Humanity Protests Against the Crimes of Death: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2020).
- Some Are in Super-Yachts and Others Are Clinging to Drifting Debris: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2020).
- Each Heartbeat Must Be Our Song; the Redness of Blood, Our Banner: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2020).
- Here Not Death but the Future Is Frightening: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2020).
- We Are in Palestine, Habibi, and Palestine Is Heaven: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2020).
- The Dangerous Incompetence of Narendra Modi and Jair Bolsonaro: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2020).
- Ten-Point Agenda for the Global South After COVID-19: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2020).
- Living Is No Laughing Matter: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2020).
- Goliath Is Not Invincible: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2020).
- If You Do Not Feel for Humanity, You Have Forgotten to Be Human: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2020).
- The Bouficha Appeal Against the Preparations for War: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2020).
- Hunger Gnaws at the Edges of the World: The Twentieth Newsletter (2020).
- It Takes a Revolution to Make a Solution: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2020).
- Farewell to the God of Plague: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2020).
- Either Socialism Will Defeat the Louse or the Louse Will Defeat Socialism: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2020).
- Without a Country in Which to Live, a Field to Plant, a Love to Cherish or a Voice to Sing, One is Dead: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2020).
- Femicide Does Not Respect the Quarantine: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2020).
- These Migrant Workers Did Not Suddenly Fall From the Sky: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2020).
- We Won’t Go Back to Normal, Because Normal Was the Problem: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2020)
- The Mutilated World Is Moved by the Nurses and Doctors: The Twelfth Newsletter (2020).
- Letter From the Great Wound: The Eleventh Newsletter (2020).
- We Who Were Nothing and Have Become Everything Shall Construct a New and Better World: The Tenth Newsletter (2020).
- Show Me The Words That Will Reorder the World, Or Else Keep Silent: The Ninth Newsletter (2020).
- You Write Injustice on the Earth; We Will Write Revolution in the Skies: The Eighth Newsletter (2020).
- I Am Tired of Holding Other Worlds in My Fist: The Seventh Newsletter (2020).
- This Is the Time for Solidarity, Not Stigma: The Sixth Newsletter (2020).
- I Will Hold You in My Arms a Day After the War: The Fifth Newsletter (2020).
- When Will The Winter Come to An End?: The Fourth Newsletter (2020).
- Your Arrow Can Pierce the Sky, But Ours Has Gone into Orbit: The Third Newsletter (2020).
- What Passes for Reality Is Not Worth Respecting: The Second Newsletter (2020).
- How Many Millions Did You Make for the Pennies You Gave to the Coolies: The First Newsletter (2020)
- We Are the Ones Who Will Awaken the Dawn: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2019).
- Those Who Search for Dawn Don’t Fear the Night; Nor the Hand that Holds the Dagger: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2019).
- If You Want Peace, You Get War; If You Want War, You Get Rich: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2019)
- The Oppressive State Is a Macho Rapist: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2019)
- We Demand Changes So We Can Have a Future: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2019)
- We Thought the House Was Empty: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2019)
- Bolivia Does Not Exist: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2019).
- Even a Clown Is Fascinated by Ideas: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2019).
- The Test of a Country Is Not the Number of Millionaires It Owns, but the Absence of Starvation Among Its Masses: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2019).
- There’s Something That’s Ours on Those Streets and We’re Going to Take It Back: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2019).
- The IMF Does Not Fight Financial Fires But Douses Them With Gasoline: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2019).
- If You Take Away Freedom, All Four Seasons and I Will Die: The Forty-First Newsletter (2019).
- At First, I thought I Was Fighting to Save Rubber Trees. Now I Realize I Am Fighting for Humanity: The Fortieth Newsletter (2019).
- iPhone Workers Today Are 25 Times More Exploited Than Textile Workers in 19th Century England: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2019).
- My Voice Is the Gallows for All Tyrants: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2019).
- Strikes Have Followed Me All My Life: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2019).
- We Will See Roots Reaching Out for Each Other: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2019)
- Hungering For The Language Of Class War: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2019).
- Hybrid Wars Are Destroying Democracies: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2019).
- History Often Proceeds by Jumps and Zig-Zags. The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2019).
- There Must Be Bones Under The Paved Street: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2019).
- Homage to OSPAAAL, the Organisation of Solidarity for the Peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America: Newsletter Thirty-One (2019).
- As the Ocean Waters Rise, So Do the Islands of Garbage: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2019).
- Revolutions Are Not the Train Ride, but the Human Race Grabbing for the Emergency Brake: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2019).
- For the Reasons that Follow, that Country is Currently Not Likely to Be the United States: The Twenty-Eight Newsletter (2019).
- Religion is the Sigh of the Oppressed Creature: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2019).
- On Twitter, He Declares War on Iran: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2019)
- Using Democratic Institutions to Smash Democratic Aspirations (the Brazil Model): The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2019)
- Be Careful of the Crooked Smile of Powerful People: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2019).
- Life and the People Have Never Let Us Down: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2019).
- The World Divided by a Line is a Dead Body Cut in Two: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2019).
- The Dogs of War Are Unchained Once More. The Twenty-First Newsletter (2019).
- We Are the Shadow-Ghosts, Creeping Back as the Camp Fires Burn Low: The Twentieth Newsletter (2019).
- We have Stolen His Land. Now We Must Steal His Limb: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2019).
- We Thought It Was Merely a Stone, But It Carried Away Our Wealth: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2019).
- If War Is an Industry, How Can There Be Peace in a Capitalist World? The Seventeenth Newsletter (2019).
- This is the Hour of Madness: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2019).
- Radical Thinking Must Fall Like a Gentle Mist, Not a Heavy Downpour: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2019).
- You Can’t Have Democracy When You Put the Truth in Prison: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2019)
- Singing in a Cage is Possible and So is Happiness: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2019)
- The Sunrise Will Be the Same for Those Who Wake and Those Who Never Will: The Twelfth Newsletter (2019).
- Killing the Most Beautiful Things We Own: The Eleventh Newsletter (2019)
- We Refuse to Stop Dreaming: The Tenth Newsletter (2019).
- We are the Invisible. We are the Invincible. We will Overcome. The Ninth Newsletter (2019).
- The President of the United States Is More the President of My Country Than the President of My Country: The Eighth Newsletter (2019)
- Phrasebook of Imperialism: The Seventh Newsletter (2019)
- The Mines are Weeping: The Sixth Newsletter (2019)
- Twelve Step Method to Conduct Regime Change: The Fifth Newsletter (2019)
- What The Mountain Taught the Mouse. The Fourth Newsletter (2019).
- My Hopes Lie Shattered. I Need Your Support: The Third Newsletter (2019)
- Struggles That Make the Land Proud: The Second Newsletter (2019)
- We are sorry for the inconvenience, but this is a Revolution: The First Newsletter (2019)
- The Butcher Washes His Hands Before Weighing the Meat: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2018).
- We Want Cash While Waiting for Communism: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2018)
- We Have No Choice But To Live Like Human Beings: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2018).
- This Economic Policy Has Been a Disaster, a Calamity for the Country’s Public Life: The Forty-first Newsletter (2018).
- Promote The Health of All The People of the World: The Fortieth Newsletter (2018)
- If the Field Cannot Feed the Farmer, then Burn the Field: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2018).
- Living Our Lives Inside a Tragedy the Size of the Planet: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2018)
- You Only Run For the Border When You See the Whole City Running As Well: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2018).
- With Samir Amin By Our Side: The Thirty- Sixth Newsletter (2018)
- Experience is the Comb You Get When You Are Bald: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2018)
- The Monstrous Anger of the Guns: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2018).
- Tomorrow Will Be Too Late To Do What We Should Have Done A Long Time Ago: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2018)
- This Village Is Too Big For Us: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2018)
- Solidarity is More Than a Slogan: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2018)
- If You Think Education Is Expensive, Try Ignorance: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2018).
- There is No Refugee Crisis. There is Only a Crisis of Humanity: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2018).
- If You Care Nothing Of Starvation, You Are Not a Socialist: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2018)
- The Day of the Disappeared: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2018)
- A World So Changed: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2018)
- Let Us Be Midwives: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2018)
- The Twenty-fourth Newsletter (2018): We Are The Mosquitos
- Twenty-Third Newsletter (2018): My Land Is Where I Lay My Feet
- The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2018): Message in a Bottle
- The Twenty-first Newsletter (2018): Where Do You Get Your News?
- The Twentieth Newsletter (2018): Assassinations.
- The Nineteenth Newsletter (2018): Right to a House, Right to a Life
- The Eighteenth Newsletter (2018): Refugees and Strongmen
- The Seventeenth Newsletter (2018): American Power and the Time of the Soft Coup
- The Sixteenth Newsletter (2018): Lives Taken, Lives Lived
- The Fifteenth Newsletter (2018): Trump World
- The Fourteenth Newsletter (2018): Imperialism Has Had a Tough Week.
- The Thirteenth Newsletter (2018): Venezuela
- The Twelfth Newsletter (2018): Guns and Butter
- The Eleventh Newsletter (2018): Opening The Doors of Hell
- The Tenth Newsletter (2018): Marx and His Old Mole