Dossier 1: Crisis in the Korean Peninsula.
March 15, 2018

Crisis in the Korean Peninsula.
<Turkish> Kore Yarımadası'nda kriz"i okumak için buraya tıklayın
- Clean Waters and Green Mountains Are as Valuable as Gold and Silver Mountains: The Seventh Newsletter (2025)
- Let Us Find Our Lost Diamonds: The Sixth Newsletter (2025)
- The Life Expectancy of Palestinians Fell by 11.5 Years in the First Three Months of the Genocide: The Fifth Newsletter (2025)
- The Promethean Aspirations of the Darker Nations: The Fourth Newsletter (2025)
- All Wars End in Negotiations. So Will the War in Ukraine: The Third Newsletter (2025)
- Dr Victor Frankenstein Disavows His Monster: The Second Newsletter (2025)
- The Tears of Our Children: The First Newsletter (2025)
- Resist, My People, Resist: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2024)
- How to Understand the Change of Government in Syria: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2024)
- The Eighth Continent Is the Continent of Sleaze: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2024)
- France Must Go from Africa Is the Slogan of the Hour: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2024)
- The United States Raises a Middle Finger to the International Criminal Court: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2024)
- Give Us Peace on Earth: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2024)
- Swimming in Mud in the Fifth Circle of Hell: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2024)
- We Don’t Want Our Islands to Be Used to Kill People: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
- A World Where Our Grandchildren Have to Go to a Museum to See What a Gun Looked Like: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2024)
- Our Revolutions Are for the Survival and Development of Human Civilisation: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2024)
- How to Do a Conjunctural Analysis: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2024)
- They Now Know What Real Bombing Means: The Forty-First Newsletter (2024)
- A Walk Along the Baiyangdian Lake in the Xiong’an New Area: The Fortieth Newsletter (2024)
- When You Suffer for Your Sanity and Struggle to Get Free: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2024)
- There Is Only One Night Left to Build Fortifications: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2024)
- The Revolutionary Fire in the People Starts with a Song: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2024)
- Three New Kinds of Refugees in a World of Migrants: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2024)
- She Was Brutally Killed Before She Could Write Her Story for the World: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
- The Weakness of Progressive Latin American Governments in These Precarious Times: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2024)
- Ten Theses on the Far Right of a Special Type: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2024)
- Venezuela Is a Marvellous Country in Motion: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2024)
- Even in Palestine, the Birds Shall Return: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2024)
- The Country of the Rust Belt and the Broken Road: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2024)
- The Pacific Lands and Seas Are Neither Forbidden nor Forgotten: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2024)
- Building a Planet of Peace Is the Only Realistic Thing to Do: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2024)
- The War in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Will End: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2024)
- There Is No Such Thing as a Small Nuclear War: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2024)
- Is the Reign of the Dollar Coming to an End?: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
- Democracy Will Not Come through Compromise and Fear: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2024)
- Their Rules-Based International Order Is the Rule of the Mafia: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2024)
- Brazil’s Flood of Austerity and Climate Catastrophe: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2024)
- Keep On Rockin’ in the Free World: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2024)
- My Heart Makes My Head Swim: The Twentieth Newsletter (2024)
- In Africa They Say, ‘France, Get Out!’: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2024)
- The Students Will Not Tolerate Hypocrisy: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2024)
- How Africa’s National Liberation Struggles Brought Democracy to Europe: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2024)
- For Forty Years, Brazil’s Landless Workers Have Fought to Build Humanity: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2024)
- The Premises of the Diplomatic Mission Shall Be Inviolable: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2024)
- Thousands Have Lived without Love, but Not One without Water: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2024)
- Palestinians Will Remain on Palestinian Land: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2024)
- The Struggle for Women’s Emancipation Will Always Be Worth It: The Twelfth Newsletter (2024)
- Conquest, War, Famine, and Death Hit You Straight in the Heart: The Eleventh Newsletter (2024)
- There Will Be Reading and Singing and Dancing Even in the Darkest Times: The Tenth Newsletter (2024)
- The Nobodies Are Worth More Than the Bullet That Kills Them: The Ninth Newsletter (2024)
- If I Understand the World, I Can March to Change It: The Eighth Newsletter (2024)
- A Word like Peace Is Faster Than the Bullet of War: The Seventh Newsletter (2024)
- Dawn Is Breaking Out All Over, and the World Is Waking Up: The Sixth Newsletter (2024)
- The Only Right That Palestinians Have Not Been Denied Is the Right to Dream: The Fifth Newsletter (2024)
- We Know a Different World Will Be Born Out of This Mess: The Fourth Newsletter (2024)
- The Global South Takes Israel to Court: The Third Newsletter (2024)
- Why I Believe What I Believe About the Chinese Revolution: The Second Newsletter (2024)
- We Need to Reverse the Culture of Decay and March on the Street for a Culture of Humanity: The First Newsletter (2024)
- The World’s Economic Centre of Gravity Is Returning to Asia: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2023)
- Transnational Corporations Provoke a Single Scream of Horror that Runs through the Vertebrae of the World: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2023)
- We Fight with Our Eyes. We Plant Seeds with Our Hands. We Will Watch the Wheat Fill the Valley: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2023)
- Your Enemies Destroyed One Palestine; My Wounds Populated Many Palestines: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
- The Dangerously Appealing Style of the Far Right: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2023)
- A New Mood in the World Will Put an End to the Global Monroe Doctrine: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2023)
- The Intimate Embrace Between Liberalism and the Far Right: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)
- From Gaza and Cuba, They Ask – Are You Human Like Us?: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2023)
- War Looks Just as War Looks: Dismal and Ugly: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2023)
- How the International Monetary Fund Continues to Shrink the Poorer Nations: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2023)
- The Palestinian People Are Already Free: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2023)
- A Reading List for the Delhi Police from Tricontinental Research Services: The Forty-First Newsletter (2023)
- We Have Here, in Africa, Everything Necessary to Become a Powerful, Modern, and Industrialised Continent: The Fortieth Newsletter (2023)
- Shouldn’t the United Kingdom and France Relinquish Their Permanent Seats at the United Nations?: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
- NATO Destroyed Libya in 2011; Storm Daniel Came to Sweep Up the Remains: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter
- Beneath the Polycrisis Is the Singular Dilemma of Humanity Called Capitalism: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2023)
- What if There Had Been No Coup in Chile in 1973?: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)
- On 1 January 2024, the World’s Centre of Gravity Will Shift: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2023)
- The People of Niger Want to Shatter Resignation: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2023)
- The BRICS Have Changed the Balance of Forces, but They Will Not by Themselves Change the World: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2023)
- Can Poorer Nations Break the Cycle of Dependency That Has Inflicted Grief for a Hundred Years? The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2023)
- There Are Enough Resources in the World to Fulfil Human Needs, But Not Enough Resources to Satisfy Capitalist Greed: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2023)
- Build the Unity of the Youth of the World: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2023)
- If Everybody’s Going to Join NATO, Then Why Have the United Nations? The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
- The World Needs a New Development Theory That Does Not Trap the Poor in Poverty: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2023)
- The Rice Bowl of the Chinese People Is Held Firmly in Their Hands: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2023)
- Israel Cannot Rebut Apartheid: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)
- Can the European Leg of the Triad Break Free from the Atlantic Alliance?: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2023)
- The Emergence of a New Non-Alignment: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter
- For Argentina’s Small Farmers, the Land Is Predictable but the Markets Are Not: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2023)
- Resurrecting the Concept of the Triad: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2023)
- The Group of Seven Should Finally Be Shut Down: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2023)
- Can the Global South Build a New World Information and Communication Order?: The Twentieth Newsletter (2023)
- The Work That Tricontinental Does: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2023)
- In the Factories There Is Wealth, but There Is No Life: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2023)
- You Are Reading This Thanks to Semiconductors: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2023)
- The Death of over a Thousand Garment Workers in Bangladesh: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2023)
- So Much Lying from the International Monetary Fund: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2023)
- Women Hold Up 76.2% of the Sky: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2023)
- China’s Historical Destiny Is to Stand with the Third World: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2023)
- You Strike the Women, You Strike the Rock, You Will Be Crushed: The Twelfth Newsletter (2023)
- Birth Again the Dream of Global Peace and Mutual Respect: The Eleventh Newsletter (2023)
- Eight Contradictions of the Imperialist ‘Rules-Based Order’: The Tenth Newsletter (2023)
- Those Who Die for Life – like Hugo Chávez – Cannot Be Called Dead: The Ninth Newsletter (2023)
- The True Test of a Civilisation Is the Absence of Anxiety About Health: The Eighth Newsletter (2023)
- Rescue Collective Life by Reading a Red Book: The Seventh Newsletter (2023)
- The United States Wants to Make Taiwan the Ukraine of the East: The Sixth Newsletter (2023)
- Writing About a Joy That Invades Jenin: The Fifth Newsletter (2023)
- It Was the Workers Who Brought Us Democracy, and It Will Be the Workers Who Establish a Deeper Democracy Yet: The Fourth Newsletter (2023)
- When the People Have Nothing More to Eat, They Will Eat the Rich: The Third Newsletter (2023)
- The Winds of the New Cold War Are Howling in the Arctic Circle: The Second Newsletter (2023)
- Socialism Is Not a Utopian Ideal, but an Achievable Necessity: The First Newsletter (2023)
- The Hope of a Pan-African-Owned and Controlled Electric Car Project Is Buried for Generations to Come: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2022)
- The Perils of Pious Neoliberalism in the Austerity State: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2022)
- The Road to De-Dollarisation Will Run through Saudi Arabia: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2022)
- Nothing Good Will Come from the New Cold War with Australia as a Frontline State: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- Mali’s Break with France Is a Symptom of Cracks in the Transatlantic Alliance: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2022)
- In Malay, Orangutans Means ‘People of the Forest’, but Those Forests Are Disappearing: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2022)
- Those Who Struggle to Change the World Know It Well: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2022)
- The Attack on Nature Is Putting Humanity at Risk: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2022)
- Africa Does Not Want to Be a Breeding Ground for the New Cold War: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2022)
- We Need a New Trade Union of the Poor Rooted in the Global South: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2022)
- The Last Thing Haiti Needs Is Another Military Intervention: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2022)
- When Will the Stars Shine Again in Burkina Faso?: The Forty-First Newsletter (2022)
- The Most Dangerous Situation That Humanity Has Ever Faced: The Fortieth Newsletter (2022)
- From Wounded Latin America, a Demand Comes to Put an End to the Irrational War on Drugs: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- Without Culture, Freedom Is Impossible: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2022)
- War Is Not the Answer to Deep Planetary Insecurity: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2022)
- We Will March, Even If We Have to Wade through the Pakistani Floodwaters: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2022)
- Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe; Socialism Can Avert Disaster. The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2022)
- Indian Workers Defend Their Steel with Their Lives: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2022)
- When People Want Housing in India, They Build It: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2022)
- Can We Please Have an Adult Conversation about China?: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2022)
- Sri Lankans Seek a World in Which They Can Find Laughter Together: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2022)
- All That I Ask Is That You Fight for Peace Today: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2022)
- It Is Dark, but I Sing Because the Morning Will Come: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- Will Our Children Be Literate? Will They Look Forward to the Future with Dignity?: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2022).
- The United States Wants to Prevent a Historical Fact – Eurasian Integration: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2022)
- There are Hungry People. There are Hungry People: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2022)
- We Need to Build the Architecture of Our Future: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2022)
- The Lethality of Washington’s Global Monroe Doctrine: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2022)
- Land in South Africa Shall Be Shared Among Those Who Work It: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2022)
- Africa, the Collateral Victim of a Distant Conflict: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2022)
- And Then There Was No More Empire All of a Sudden: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2022)
- Art Is a Dream in Which We Imagine Our Future: The Twentieth Newsletter (2022)
- In a World of Great Disorder and Extravagant Lies, We Look for Compassion: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2022)
- With Clenched Fists, They Spend Money on Weapons as the Planet Burns: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2022)
- I Cannot Live on Tomorrow’s Bread: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2022)
- These Dark Times Are Also Filled with Light: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2022)
- We Do Not Want a Divided Planet; We Want a World Without Walls: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2022)
- This Is Not the Age of Certainty. We Are in the Time of Contradictions: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2022)
- History Rounds off Skeletons to Zero: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2022)
- In the World, There Are Many Traps, and It Is Necessary to Shatter Them: The Twelfth Newsletter (2022)
- We Are in a Period of Great Tectonic Shifts: The Eleventh Newsletter (2022)
- You Are Also a Victim of War like Us: The Tenth Newsletter (2022)
- In These Days of Great Tension, Peace Is a Priority: The Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- In These Days of Great Tension, Peace Is a Priority: The Ninth Newsletter (2022)
- Those Who Violated the Geneva Conventions at Guantánamo Are Free, While the Man who Helped Expose Their Crimes Languishes in Prison: The Eighth Newsletter (2022)
- What Red Book Will You Read This Year on Red Books Day (21 February)?: The Seventh Newsletter (2022)
- The Left Has Culture, but the World Still Belongs to the Banks: The Sixth Newsletter (2022)
- Make Noise about the Silent Crisis of Global Illiteracy: The Fifth Newsletter (2022)
- Make the Whole World Know that the South Also Exists: The Fourth Newsletter (2022)
- We Are Human, but in the Dark We Wish for Light: The Third Newsletter (2022)
- A Programme for a Future Society That We Will Build in the Present: The Second Newsletter (2022)
- The Highest Attainable Standard of Health Is a Fundamental Right of Every Human Being: The First Newsletter (2022)
- We Dance into the New Year Banging Our Hammers and Swinging Our Sickles: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2021)
- I Want to Get Our Rights from the Americans Who Harmed Us: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2021)
- They Won’t Ever Find Us Because Our Love Is Bound to the Rocks: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2021)
- The Fierce Determination of Ordinary People to Build an Extraordinary World: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2021)
- We Have to Stand on Our Ground, the Best Ground from Which to Reach the Stars: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2021)
- This Victory Gives Confidence for Future Struggles: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2021)
- In the Name of Saving the Climate, They Will Uberise the Farmlands: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2021)
- Why Are You Asking Us to Compromise on Our Lives?: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2021)
- Will the People with Guns Allow Our Planet to Breathe: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2021)
- Being a Child in Yemen Is the Stuff of Nightmares: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2021)
- If All Refugees Lived in One Place, It Would Be the 17th Most Populous Country in the World: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2021)
- Women Hold Up More Than Half the Sky: The Forty-First Newsletter (2021)
- A World Without Hunger: The Fortieth Newsletter (2021)
- If the United Nations Charter Was Put To a Vote Today, Would It Pass?: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2021)
- Where Flowers Find No Peace Enough to Grow: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2021)
- The Sound of His Approaching Step Wakes Me and I See My Land’s Deprivation: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2021)
- Solely Because of the Increasing Disorder: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2021)
- Africa’s Uprising is Frozen, Its Cry Swollen with Hope: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2021)
- I Awakened Here When the Earth Was New: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2021)
- Create Two, Three, Many Saigons. That Is the Watchword: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2021)
- Show the Children the Green Fields and Let the Sunshine into Their Minds: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2021)
- China Eradicates Absolute Poverty While Billionaires Go for a Joyride to Space: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2021)
- The Great Contest of Our Time Is between Humanity and Imperialism: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2021)
- Washington Beats the Drum of Regime Change, but Cuba Responds to Its Own Revolutionary Rhythm: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2021)
- A Senseless Cathedral of Doom: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2021)
- Women Everywhere in the World Are Squeezed into a Tight Corner: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2021)
- Cuba’s Vaccine Shield and the Five Monopolies that Structure the World: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2021)
- The Spirit of Carabobo Will Overcome the Stench of Monroe: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2021)
- The Kisan [Farmers’] Commune in India: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2021)
- Every Region of the World Is the Worst Affected: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2021).
- We Hug the Trees Because the Trees Have No Voice: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2021).
- Lenin Went to Dance in the Snow to Celebrate the Paris Commune and the Soviet Republic: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2021)
- Sleep Now in the Fire: The Twentieth Newsletter (2021)
- If I Fall in the Struggle, Take My Place: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2021)
- In Kerala, the Present Is Dominated by the Future: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2021)
- I’m Still Here, Though My Country’s Gone West: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2021)
- A Bit of Hope That Doesn’t Come from Miami: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2021)
- I Entered My Country’s House of Justice and Found a Snake Charmer’s Temple: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2021)
- Zambia Is the Tip of the Tail of the Global Dog: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2021)
- The Vaccine Must Be a Common Good for Humanity: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2021)
- What You Call Love Is Unpaid Work: The Twelfth Newsletter (2021)
- There Are So Many Lessons to Learn from Kerala: The Eleventh Newsletter (2021).
- Neoliberalism Was Born in Chile; Neoliberalism Will Die in Chile: the Tenth Newsletter (2021)
- The Right to Live in Peace: The Ninth Newsletter (2021)
- Your Privileges Are Not Universal: The Eighth Newsletter (2021)
- Sometimes Marx’s Capital Is a Pillow, Sometimes It Obliges Us to Deepen Our Struggles: The Seventh Newsletter (2021)
- The Three Apartheids of Our Times (Money, Medicine, Food): The Sixth Newsletter (2021).
- Are We Not All in Search of Tomorrow: The Fifth Newsletter (2021)
- We Should All Be Outraged, But Outrage Is Not a Strong Enough Word: The Fourth Newsletter (2021)
- My Wish Is That You Win This Fight for Truth: The Third Newsletter (2021)
- The Country Where Liberty Is a Statue: The Second Newsletter (2021)
- We Are Living in an Emergency That Requires Urgent Action (a note written with Noam Chomsky): The First Newsletter (2021)
- The Future Will Only Contain What We Put into It Now: The Fifty-Third Newsletter (2020)
- All the Cannons Will Silently Rust: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2020)
- The Revolutionaries, When They Rise, Care for Nothing but Love: Newsletter Fifty-One (2020)
- We Don’t Listen to the Dying Government of Donald Trump: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2020)
- We Are Grass. We Grow on Everything: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2020).
- We Suffer from an Incurable Disease Called Hope: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2020).
- It Is Freedom, Only Freedom Which Can Quench Our Thirst: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2020).
- Take a Deep Breath and Then Return to the Work of Building a New World: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2020).
- Wage War Against the Philosophy of War: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2020)
- We Are That History That Is Discredited, but Which Reappears When You Least Expect It: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2020)
- Paradise for Human Victims of Corporate Persons: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2020).
- Bullets Are Not the Seeds of Life: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2020)
- When Confronted by Us Hungry Bellies, the Imperialists Reach for Their Guns: The Forty-First Newsletter (2020).
- If I Didn’t Believe, I Wouldn’t Know How to Breathe: The Fortieth Newsletter (2020).
- Hunger Will Kill Us Before Coronavirus: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2020).
- Wise People Know That Winning a War Is No Better Than Losing One: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2020)
- Not Just an Orchard, Not Merely a Field, We Demand the Whole World: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2020).
- Six Complexities of These Pandemic Times: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2020).
- Only the Struggle of the People Will Free the Country: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2020).
- Tell the People That the Struggle Must Go On: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2020).
- It Is Late, but It Is Early Morning If We Insist a Little: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2020)
- Do Not Reach for the Sky Just to Surrender: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2020).
- Humanity Protests Against the Crimes of Death: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2020).
- Some Are in Super-Yachts and Others Are Clinging to Drifting Debris: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2020).
- Each Heartbeat Must Be Our Song; the Redness of Blood, Our Banner: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2020).
- Here Not Death but the Future Is Frightening: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2020).
- We Are in Palestine, Habibi, and Palestine Is Heaven: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2020).
- The Dangerous Incompetence of Narendra Modi and Jair Bolsonaro: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2020).
- Ten-Point Agenda for the Global South After COVID-19: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2020).
- Living Is No Laughing Matter: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2020).
- Goliath Is Not Invincible: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2020).
- If You Do Not Feel for Humanity, You Have Forgotten to Be Human: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2020).
- The Bouficha Appeal Against the Preparations for War: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2020).
- Hunger Gnaws at the Edges of the World: The Twentieth Newsletter (2020).
- It Takes a Revolution to Make a Solution: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2020).
- Farewell to the God of Plague: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2020).
- Either Socialism Will Defeat the Louse or the Louse Will Defeat Socialism: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2020).
- Without a Country in Which to Live, a Field to Plant, a Love to Cherish or a Voice to Sing, One is Dead: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2020).
- Femicide Does Not Respect the Quarantine: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2020).
- These Migrant Workers Did Not Suddenly Fall From the Sky: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2020).
- We Won’t Go Back to Normal, Because Normal Was the Problem: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2020)
- The Mutilated World Is Moved by the Nurses and Doctors: The Twelfth Newsletter (2020).
- Letter From the Great Wound: The Eleventh Newsletter (2020).
- We Who Were Nothing and Have Become Everything Shall Construct a New and Better World: The Tenth Newsletter (2020).
- Show Me The Words That Will Reorder the World, Or Else Keep Silent: The Ninth Newsletter (2020).
- You Write Injustice on the Earth; We Will Write Revolution in the Skies: The Eighth Newsletter (2020).
- I Am Tired of Holding Other Worlds in My Fist: The Seventh Newsletter (2020).
- This Is the Time for Solidarity, Not Stigma: The Sixth Newsletter (2020).
- I Will Hold You in My Arms a Day After the War: The Fifth Newsletter (2020).
- When Will The Winter Come to An End?: The Fourth Newsletter (2020).
- Your Arrow Can Pierce the Sky, But Ours Has Gone into Orbit: The Third Newsletter (2020).
- What Passes for Reality Is Not Worth Respecting: The Second Newsletter (2020).
- How Many Millions Did You Make for the Pennies You Gave to the Coolies: The First Newsletter (2020)
- We Are the Ones Who Will Awaken the Dawn: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2019).
- Those Who Search for Dawn Don’t Fear the Night; Nor the Hand that Holds the Dagger: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2019).
- If You Want Peace, You Get War; If You Want War, You Get Rich: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2019)
- The Oppressive State Is a Macho Rapist: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2019)
- We Demand Changes So We Can Have a Future: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2019)
- We Thought the House Was Empty: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2019)
- Bolivia Does Not Exist: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2019).
- Even a Clown Is Fascinated by Ideas: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2019).
- The Test of a Country Is Not the Number of Millionaires It Owns, but the Absence of Starvation Among Its Masses: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2019).
- There’s Something That’s Ours on Those Streets and We’re Going to Take It Back: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2019).
- The IMF Does Not Fight Financial Fires But Douses Them With Gasoline: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2019).
- If You Take Away Freedom, All Four Seasons and I Will Die: The Forty-First Newsletter (2019).
- At First, I thought I Was Fighting to Save Rubber Trees. Now I Realize I Am Fighting for Humanity: The Fortieth Newsletter (2019).
- iPhone Workers Today Are 25 Times More Exploited Than Textile Workers in 19th Century England: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2019).
- My Voice Is the Gallows for All Tyrants: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2019).
- Strikes Have Followed Me All My Life: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2019).
- We Will See Roots Reaching Out for Each Other: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2019)
- Hungering For The Language Of Class War: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2019).
- Hybrid Wars Are Destroying Democracies: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2019).
- History Often Proceeds by Jumps and Zig-Zags. The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2019).
- There Must Be Bones Under The Paved Street: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2019).
- Homage to OSPAAAL, the Organisation of Solidarity for the Peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America: Newsletter Thirty-One (2019).
- As the Ocean Waters Rise, So Do the Islands of Garbage: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2019).
- Revolutions Are Not the Train Ride, but the Human Race Grabbing for the Emergency Brake: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2019).
- For the Reasons that Follow, that Country is Currently Not Likely to Be the United States: The Twenty-Eight Newsletter (2019).
- Religion is the Sigh of the Oppressed Creature: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2019).
- On Twitter, He Declares War on Iran: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2019)
- Using Democratic Institutions to Smash Democratic Aspirations (the Brazil Model): The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2019)
- Be Careful of the Crooked Smile of Powerful People: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2019).
- Life and the People Have Never Let Us Down: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2019).
- The World Divided by a Line is a Dead Body Cut in Two: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2019).
- The Dogs of War Are Unchained Once More. The Twenty-First Newsletter (2019).
- We Are the Shadow-Ghosts, Creeping Back as the Camp Fires Burn Low: The Twentieth Newsletter (2019).
- We have Stolen His Land. Now We Must Steal His Limb: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2019).
- We Thought It Was Merely a Stone, But It Carried Away Our Wealth: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2019).
- If War Is an Industry, How Can There Be Peace in a Capitalist World? The Seventeenth Newsletter (2019).
- This is the Hour of Madness: The Sixteenth Newsletter (2019).
- Radical Thinking Must Fall Like a Gentle Mist, Not a Heavy Downpour: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2019).
- You Can’t Have Democracy When You Put the Truth in Prison: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2019)
- Singing in a Cage is Possible and So is Happiness: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2019)
- The Sunrise Will Be the Same for Those Who Wake and Those Who Never Will: The Twelfth Newsletter (2019).
- Killing the Most Beautiful Things We Own: The Eleventh Newsletter (2019)
- We Refuse to Stop Dreaming: The Tenth Newsletter (2019).
- We are the Invisible. We are the Invincible. We will Overcome. The Ninth Newsletter (2019).
- The President of the United States Is More the President of My Country Than the President of My Country: The Eighth Newsletter (2019)
- Phrasebook of Imperialism: The Seventh Newsletter (2019)
- The Mines are Weeping: The Sixth Newsletter (2019)
- Twelve Step Method to Conduct Regime Change: The Fifth Newsletter (2019)
- What The Mountain Taught the Mouse. The Fourth Newsletter (2019).
- My Hopes Lie Shattered. I Need Your Support: The Third Newsletter (2019)
- Struggles That Make the Land Proud: The Second Newsletter (2019)
- We are sorry for the inconvenience, but this is a Revolution: The First Newsletter (2019)
- The Butcher Washes His Hands Before Weighing the Meat: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2018).
- We Want Cash While Waiting for Communism: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2018)
- We Have No Choice But To Live Like Human Beings: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2018).
- This Economic Policy Has Been a Disaster, a Calamity for the Country’s Public Life: The Forty-first Newsletter (2018).
- Promote The Health of All The People of the World: The Fortieth Newsletter (2018)
- If the Field Cannot Feed the Farmer, then Burn the Field: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2018).
- Living Our Lives Inside a Tragedy the Size of the Planet: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter (2018)
- You Only Run For the Border When You See the Whole City Running As Well: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2018).
- With Samir Amin By Our Side: The Thirty- Sixth Newsletter (2018)
- Experience is the Comb You Get When You Are Bald: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2018)
- The Monstrous Anger of the Guns: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2018).
- Tomorrow Will Be Too Late To Do What We Should Have Done A Long Time Ago: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2018)
- This Village Is Too Big For Us: The Thirty-Second Newsletter (2018)
- Solidarity is More Than a Slogan: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2018)
- If You Think Education Is Expensive, Try Ignorance: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2018).
- There is No Refugee Crisis. There is Only a Crisis of Humanity: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2018).
- If You Care Nothing Of Starvation, You Are Not a Socialist: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2018)
- The Day of the Disappeared: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2018)
- A World So Changed: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2018)
- Let Us Be Midwives: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2018)
- The Twenty-fourth Newsletter (2018): We Are The Mosquitos
- Twenty-Third Newsletter (2018): My Land Is Where I Lay My Feet
- The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2018): Message in a Bottle
- The Twenty-first Newsletter (2018): Where Do You Get Your News?
- The Twentieth Newsletter (2018): Assassinations.
- The Nineteenth Newsletter (2018): Right to a House, Right to a Life
- The Eighteenth Newsletter (2018): Refugees and Strongmen
- The Seventeenth Newsletter (2018): American Power and the Time of the Soft Coup
- The Sixteenth Newsletter (2018): Lives Taken, Lives Lived
- The Fifteenth Newsletter (2018): Trump World
- The Fourteenth Newsletter (2018): Imperialism Has Had a Tough Week.
- The Thirteenth Newsletter (2018): Venezuela
- The Twelfth Newsletter (2018): Guns and Butter
- The Eleventh Newsletter (2018): Opening The Doors of Hell
- The Tenth Newsletter (2018): Marx and His Old Mole